Monday, February 1, 2010

Looking for Answers (in all the Right Places)

In response to my previous post, Suzan (Welcome to Pottersville 2) asked what the first step is in dealing with the corrupting influences powerful corporations have on government. Having pondered that question for a few days, I’ve come to realize that I probably have a better understanding of what needs to be done than I have on how to go about doing it.

While I busy myself creating a laundry list of specific actions that will lessen corporate influence and help reverse a corporate takeover of the U.S. Government, watch this trailer for the 2003 documentary film The Corporation, based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, by Joel Bakan:

Then, after you’ve seen the trailer, watch the 23-part YouTube video documentary series, from machbar, accessible under the right-hand column heading “Related Videos.” These videos are essential to understanding the dangers corporations pose to you, to society, and to all life on Earth.

Finally, read what PFAW has to say about the recent Supreme Court decision, and sign their petition for a Constitutional Amendment granting Congress the authority to limit corporate influence in elections.

In the meantime, I’ll keep working on the list.

Q >>>


  1. Thanks, Phil,

    I'm of the same mind.

    How do we address this in the best possible way so as not to draw the false-fire responses from the rightwingnutters?


    I’ve come to realize that I probably have a better understanding of what needs to be done than I have on how to go about doing it.

  2. Pygalgia,

    Thanks, and your blog now joins the queue under the Top Dog heading (which pretty much means I'll be visiting whenever you make a new post).


    I'll try to answer your question with a question: How does a Constitutional Convention sound to you?

  3. Chaos?

    I see the Tea Party front group trying to eliminate most of the Bill of Rights for a starter, and definitely the 13th and 14th amendments, without which the rest of the document will not matter too much, although I'm sure they have some nice suggestions for other amendments concerning "furriners."

    You have a better idea of their "reasonableness?"

    Great! Convince me.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I read your new posts ASAP too.

    Love ya,


    How does a Constitutional Convention sound to you?

  4. Love back atcha, Suzan. When I post my "list," I'll include a link to a brief article, by Lawrence Lessig, that explains how a Constitutional Convention would work in making an amendment to the Constitution. It's not as scary as it sounds.
